daily paintings in oil, acrylic, and watercolor
relief and serigraph printmaking

Monday, March 30, 2015

Plein Air Season!

I have signed up for several Plein Air events so decided it was a good time to organize my painting gear and get it packed and ready to go.

 I got my plein air painting gear organized and packed yesterday.

Just bought this at Home Depot...looked like a great way to travel with painting gear!

Have my EasyL Lite pochade, paints, brushes, sketchbook, and on and on packed away with the tripod in it's own carrying case. This is for the more extended plein air paintouts.

 This smaller bag is for quick small sketches. This bag may just stay in my car at all times. Never know when I see something I want to paint!

The small bag has a Guerrilla Thumbox 6x8 pochade that carries paints and short brushes inside. The tote also carries a few small extra panels, sketchbook, drawing materials and a spare tripod that I bought at Goodwill for $7.

Friday, March 27, 2015

Good Boy!

My pet portrait is just about done. The cold weather and my cold studio slowed the paint drying rate but now things are speeding up quite well. Love this boy, he has such a great expression!

Saturday, March 14, 2015

Spring is Marching in!!!!

It's been a while since I last posted anything. Have been busy with commissioned paintings and designing several websites. But I got a quick little study of some primroses I pick up at my local grocery store.
They just made me smile!

"Spring Prims"
4x6 inches
oil on canvas panel
$40.00 unframed