daily paintings in oil, acrylic, and watercolor
relief and serigraph printmaking

Thursday, January 1, 2015

“Eat poor on New Year's, and eat fat the rest of the year.”

Day 1 of a New Year and Day 1 of a new 30 paintings in 30 days challenge!

This is a painting titled "Greens N Beans" in keeping with the New Year's traditions.

Black-eyed peas and greens are a traditional New Year's meal in the South and have actually been considered good luck for at least 1500 years. It was a Jewish custom, starting around 500 A.D. to eat black-eyed peas in celebration of Rosh Hashanah, the Jewish New Year.

Symbolically, eating black-eyed peas with greens and cornbread is the best combination because the black-eyed peas loosely resemble coins and dried beans greatly expand in volume, symbolized expanding wealth. Greens represent the color of money and cornbread, is of course gold….”Peas for pennies, greens for dollars and cornbread for gold.”

Have a great 2015 and eat your beans!

"Greens N Beans"
8x10 inches oil on canvas panel