daily paintings in oil, acrylic, and watercolor
relief and serigraph printmaking

Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Trials and Tribulations

I have been rather busy trying to get some paintings completed for the Annapolis Maritime Museum exhibit in June.
Thought I would show how things are progressing.

This painting is called "3 Sisters".
After drawing a somewhat detailed pencil drawing I applied masking to the boats to protect them during the initial background wash.

Then did several test strips of color to see which combination of colors I liked. I decided to use cerulean blue and quinacridone gold for the sky, ultramarine blue mixed with a touch of quinacridone gold for the water and dropped in some alizarin crimson and cerulean blue in certain spots.

Then the bad happened. My not even 6 month old $122.00 brush fell apart. NOOOOOO......
The good thing is that Jerry's Artarama will replace it quickly, but still a pain.

I hope tomorrow goes better!

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